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Milky Way and Satellite Galaxy Leo I
Pinwheel Galaxy from VIRUS (unlabeled)
Pinwheel Galaxy from VIRUS (with labels)
ALMA image of MAMBO-9
MAMBO-9 artist impression
Dusty Star-Forming Galaxy DSFG850.95
Galaxy Wind
Galaxies Akira and Tetsuo
Galaxy Simulation (Animation Available)
Artist's Rendition of Galaxy z8_GND_5296
CANDELS Image Highlighting Galaxy z8_GND_5296
Galaxy NGC 1277
Artist's Impression of K2-25b
Artist's Concept of Kepler-1649c's Surface
Artist's concept of Kepler-1649c
Possible Orbits for Giant Planets and Brown Dwarfs
Brown Dwarf GJ 504 B
Crystalized White Dwarf
Neutron Stars Merge to Form Black Hole
Exoplanet ROXs 42B b
Exoplanet GSC 6214-210 b
Exoplanet VHS 1256-1257 b
CEERS Field seen by HST
Artist's Concept of Exocomet System
A Newborn Protostar
Forming a Massive Star
Binaries over Mauna Kea (still frame from animation)
Supermassive Sphere Brightens Post-Impact
Star Hits the Hard Surface of a Supermassive Sphere
Star Falling into a Supermassive Black Hole
Galaxy Cluster Abell 2744
Galaxy Cluster MACS 0416
Betelgeuse in Infrared
Proxima b orbiting Proxima Centauri (Artist's Impression)
Surface of Proxima b (Artist's Impression)
Forming a Direct Collapse Black Hole
K2-33 in Upper Scorpius
Comparing K2-33 to our Solar System
Exoplanet K2-33b Orbits Youthful Star
Supernova 2012cg
Part of the Hyades Cluster (unannotated)
K2-25 in the Hyades Cluster (annotated)
Solar Prominences
Sunspots, Flares, and Filaments
Three Generations of Solar Cameras
SDO vs. McDonald Solar Camera
New vs. Old Solar Camera
Orbit of HD 32963 b
Artist's Concept of HD 32963
Open Star Cluster NGC 188
Birth of a Blue Straggler
Galaxies in HST's CANDELS GOODS-South Field
White Dwarf Outburst
Kepler-452 system compared to our solar system
Kepler-452b Compared with Earth
Kepler-452b (Artist Concept)
Solar Sibling HD 162826
Size of NGC 1277's Black Hole
Environment of NGC 1277
CANDELS galaxy colors
CANDELS galaxies
Evidence for Gravitational Waves
Major Merger
Comparison of Massive Galaxies at Early Times vs. Today
Dramatic Transformation of Massive Galaxies over 10 Billion Years
Supermassive Black Hole
Christmas Burst
Binary White Dwarf
HBC 722
Supernova 2008am
Buckyballs Around a Hydrogen-Rich Star
Birth of a primordial star
Time sequence of the disk evolution around the first star
M87 Black Hole Artist's Concept
NN Serpentis
Comet Hartley 2
Whirlpool Galaxy with the Mitchell Spectrograph
Whirlpool Galaxy
Star Formation in the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)
Black hole diagram
Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4621
Core of Galaxy NGC 4472
Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4472
Light Deficit in Elliptical Galaxy Cores
Core of Galaxy NGC 4621
Moon, Venus, and Jupiter over UT Tower
First Pulsating Carbon White Dwarf
Pulsations of a Carbon White Dwarf (color)
Pulsations of a Carbon White Dwarf
Interacting Galaxies from GEMS (1 of 4)
Interacting Galaxies from GEMS (2 of 4)
Interacting Galaxies from GEMS (3 of 4)
Interacting Galaxies from GEMS (4 of 4)
HET Observations of an Extra-Solar Planet's Atmosphere
The 'Hot-Jupiter' Orbit of an Extrasolar Planet
Sodium in Extra-Solar Planet Atmosphere
Solar Twin HIP 56948
Supernova 2005ap (with labels)
Supernova 2005ap (without labels)
Spectrum of a Distant Quasar
'Kicked Out' Black Hole
Supernova 2006bp
Edge-on Spiral Galaxy
Lagoon Nebula
Eagle Nebula
Trifid Nebula
Dumbbell Nebula
Horsehead Nebula
Bubble Nebula
Helix Nebula
Spiral Galaxy M33